Wednesday, January 30, 2019

#24in48 Readathon Wrap-Up and Personal Goals for next time

24in48 is a readathon that takes place over Saturday and Sunday and takes place twice per year. Normally in January and July. This round took place January 26-27.

One of the goals is to read 24 hours total in the 48 hours. The main purpose is to get you reading and involved in the community #24in48.

Below is a picture of my TBR that I posted on Instagram.

I wasn't sure if I'd stick to this TBR, but I actually did. Yay! My main goal was to finish Cupcake Diaries and Hear them Ring. Cupcake Diaries is a middle grade series. I had already read the first book and was somewhere in the middle of second story. I did finish this one.

My other goal was to finish Hear Them Ring. Hear Them Ring is a bound up of four of Erynn Mangum's previously published novellas. All taking place near Christmas. I had read the first story previously. I wanted to finish this book. A side goal I had with this book was to read a novella from this and then read another book. I was also able to complete this goal, too.

I mentioned on Instagram I hadn't planned to hit 24 hours, but deep down, I kind of wanted to but assumed it wouldn't be feasible for me. I really don't like missing sleep. 

On the first day, I started reading Cupcake Diaries at 7:25 AM. I took several breaks but finished at the rest of the stories at 2:46 PM.

 I don't read a lot of middle grade, but I really enjoyed this collection and do want to continue on with this sometime. I say this would be a cute series for tweens but will caution that one of the main girls and her mom live with the mother's boyfriend and his son.

I read the second novella on this book and started at 4:16 PM and didn't finish it until 6:55 PM. I finished the other 2 stories on Sunday. 

I got this book from my parents and sister for Christmas and did enjoy the stories. I think I enjoyed the second story and the fourth story the most.

I took another bigger break and started this book that night at 8:49 and finished it at 12:01. I really wanted to finish this completely by midnight. I was so close!  Anyway. I went to sleep and didn't get up until 6 something on Sunday morning. 

I really wish I would have read better the first day. I got good amount read. I think I read at least 700 pages. Not too shabby for me.

I did enjoy this book. There was some cussing and underage drinking which I didn't appreciate. I felt I read through this book fairly quick. This is fairly predictable book, but I feel like that's typical for Contemporary books that are lighter reads and that's okay. I still enjoyed this. This is probably around a 3.5-4 star reads.

I started this book on Sunday at 7:51. It took me about 4 hours to read this book. I was really happy because this book is 345 pages.

This is only the 3rd cozy that I've read, and the second book by Amanda Flower I've read. I really enjoyed this book. I hope to read on in this series.

Overall, I read 1200 pages I believe and read for 15 hours.

Goals for next round in July.

I hope to actually plan how much times to read and the amount to try to sleep. I feel like I wasted so much time the first day. 

I also hope to be more present in the challenges and community while the readathon is actually going on. Maybe, I need to try to schedule time for this, too.

To track my time, I used sticky notes and placed them on my book to track the times I read and took breaks.  I really like this method. I see the appeal of using a stopwatch like a lot of people did. Personally, I don't want to get on my tablet to do that. 

I also hope to plan out my TBR more. All of my picks were done the night before. Although, I really enjoyed the books I read. 

So, there's my 24 in 48 wrap-up. Have you ever attempted to read for 24 hours in x amount of time?

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